Mr. Vipin Sondhi
Chairman, CII Industrial Innovation Awards 2025
The Industrial Innovation Awards aim at helping the Indian Industry in assimilating a structured innovation process through Enterprise Innovation Maturity Framework, a model developed by CII. The Awards while recognizing the champions of innovation among Indian industry, also enhance their competitiveness for the domestic as well as global markets
CII Industrial Innovation Awards were instituted in 2014 to identify and celebrate innovative Indian enterprises across industry segments and sectors. The Awards give an opportunity to companies to shine and be known nationally and internationally for their innovative products and services. In the last ten consecutive years, these awards have established themselves as one of the most coveted innovation awards in the country.
Application Opens
Announcement of CII Innovations Awards (Industry & Institutes)
Brand Building
Onsite assessment through team of experts
Eminent Jury
Enterprise Innovation Maturity Framework maps innovation readiness across 4 pillars